Church policy regarding permissions to use “media”

Current church policy for submitting photos, videos, or recordings “media” with your Annual History is this: “Attendance Constitutes Permission”, for members and their children to be photographed, video, or recorded at a Church function or event.

These are the guidelines we are to follow when taking and collecting, photographs, videos, recordings “media” that we will be submitting with our Annual History.

Example A:
You know the person, people, or family are  members of the Church including thier children, and are taken at a church event – It is not required to have a release signed form the adult or the child’s parent, when submitting with your Annual History. because “Attendance Constitutes Permission”.
As the person who took the photograph, video, or recording “media” of members at a Church function or event you do have permission to include them in the Stake, Ward, or Branch Annual History.

What is required:
The person who captured the “media”, is required to fill out and sign the permissions to use photographs form,(PUP form) and to properly catalog each photograph, video, or recording you are submitting with your Annual History.

Example B
If the adult or child is Not known to you as a member of the Church and can be identified in the photo/video then…… YES you will need a signed permission from the adults and parents or legal guardian for a child before submitting that particular “media”. For more information  (go here)

Note: I’m not an attorney and this is not legal advice. I am reporting current Church policy only pertaining to photographs taken to be submitted with Annual Histories.

If you have questions  I am here to help. contact me here
