Category Archives: LDS


Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet

“Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet“ *Share Invite individuals investigating the Church to view videos featuring testimonies shared by members. “Like” or share gospel messages, videos, and images on Facebook. E-mail the link to an audio talk to someone who is having a hard time.


Annual History Doctrinal Foundation

RECORD THE HAND OF THE LORD IN YOUR LIFE! In November 1831, the Lord commanded John Whitmer to make “a history of all the important things which he shall observe and know concerning my church”. To collect record To insure his servents understood this comanment.


Code of Conduct The 5 B’s

Code of Conduct The 5 B’s to participate on this site: Be Respectful Be Polite Be Kind Be Patience Be Understanding. When sharing your spiritual experiences that include other people, which you believe need to be included. Please do not use real names on this

Lords influences is everywhere

How would you define Heavenly Father’s…..?

How would you define Heavenly Father’s…..? “The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands. All of us have a contribution to make to this miracle.” Elder Neil L. Andersen You need to be logged in to view the

Life is a time to prepare

Answers to Prayer

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