How to get your digital signature
If your new to digital signatures submitting online PDFs and so on, I recommend starting here for more information and step-by-step instructions. If on the other hand you had some experience or possibly done it once or twice this may be all the refresher you need.
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. It’s a free download from Adobe website: Using Adobe Reader you can sign the PDF worksheets, help guides and forms, used here. Acrobat reader will also embed your signature in the document.
1st: you will not be able to fill out or sign a PDF until you download and save it on your computer.
So if you haven’t done so already, go ahead and download the Annual History help guides, or worksheet you want to use. Tip: (I recommend creating a new folder on your desktop you can call it whatever you want, I call mine 2016 annual history so I can keep everything together) now that it’s on your computer go to the location you saved it and open it in acrobat reader DC. for more information check out, How to Digitally Sign a PDF
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