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What is Doctrinal Foundation for the Annual History Program?

From the day the Church was organized, the Lord commanded his Church to keep a record. Why do you think this keeping a history is important to the Lord? This scripture from D&C 69 directed the Church Historian to encourage Church leaders from all around

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Do I need a photo release for a minor

For current Church policy regarding permission to use photographs, videos, or recordings “media” go to: permissions to use “media” by members of the church. Helpful links: How to fill out the permissions to use photographs (the PUP form) Download the permission to use photographs (the PUP

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When should I use a Photo or Video release form

All Media you submit is required to be properly cataloged. Using the permissions to use photographs form, is where you can properly catalog each photograph or video you are submitting with your annual history. For current Church policy regarding permission to use photographs, videos, or