How to include photographs and videos
Whenever you will be including photographs or audiovisual productions (Media) for inclusion in your Annual History.
BUT it’s not as inconvenient as it may seem at first glance. I will help if you ask
Don’t let this requirement keep you from including your media! This form is so much easier then it looks. Just 2 Questions, I will walk you through this permission form step by step. it just takes a few minutes. and if you need more help Just ask,
1st The Person who took the photographs or audiovisual productions (the “Owner”) needs to sign the permission to use photographs form. That’s not so bad… right?
Using the online submission process.
Next: Just 2 Questions:
- ☐ This was/is a church event,
- ☐ To the best of my knowledge, everyone appearing in my photographs or audiovisual productions (Media) are also members of the church. (Regardless of age)
- Catalog each photo or video briefly tell its story, and list the people who are appearing for each media item,
Almost Done!
You can now Submit your form
How to use the online submit feature: