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 DanielHello Everyone!

Join Now ButtonI am so glad you want to join our conversation. I know that a lot of us have concerns about website safety, and the likelihood of inappropriate content and/or statements. I share your concerns, It’s very important to me to create a safe and enriching environment for all of us. That’s why I am restricting certain areas and content to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Full Membership). Guess memberships will be able to read the 1st few lines of a post but will not have access to the “read more” content including photographs and all contact information. Guest memberships will not be able to post comments in any of the forums.
I want you to feel comfortable about sharing spiritual experiences, asking questions, participating in discussions sharing our experience and photographs with each other.
I believe verifying church membership will go a long way in meeting those goals. With the least amount of annoyance for those who want to add their voice in the discussions.
Guest are always welcome, if you have questions, comments or want more information I invite you to use the contact form, I will respond usually within a day.
Also see Code of Conduct and my Privacy Statement

Here’s what I believe would be the minimum information I would need to verify someone’s church membership:

  1. Name
  2. E-mail address
  3. Contact number
  4. Ward or Branch
  5. Your Bishop’s name
  6. Name and contact information for, your home or visiting teacher

I welcome your comments, ideas or suggestions, on how to make this site a safe and spiritual environment.
When you first join the site you will have a Guest pass, which is restricted as outlined above. I do appreciate your patience, it should only take a day or so for verification. Then you will receive an email stating that your membership has automatically been upgraded.

A Full Membership will have permission to:

  • post comments on any page where comments are activated
  • participate in the forum section
  • access to members only content.

Guest are always welcome. If you have any questions or would like more information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,   I would love to hear from you, click here.

As a Guest Membership will have permission to:

  • Access all Public content
  • Public links to the official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (
  • Asked questions or make comments click here.

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