Stake Historian

My assignment as your stake historian is to:

Testify, teach, encourage, support and motivate members of our stake. To prayerfully ponder the many spiritual opportunities we will have. As we learn to recognize and preserve the invisible hand of the Lord as he gently and lovingly cares for his children in our day-to-day lives.

I am experiencing the benefits of being part of this great work. I Pray to know what I can do to serve the members of our stake and fulfill my calling. With the spirit as my teacher, he teaches (tells) me to be quiet, listen, and look; at what my eyes cannot see. My family and I are abundantly blessed.

Daniel Rumsey

With help from the Spirit I will do my best to explain how the annual history program will work in our stake, and to carry out the following ongoing assignments:

  • How and why the annual history program is a commandment from the Lord
  • The spiritual responsibilities and blessings that come when fulfilling the Lord’s commandments
  • The annual history program is not a clerical assignment
  • To encourage and support bishoprics and branch presidencies to introduce the annual history program in their units
  • To provide assistance to individuals, families, priesthood and organizational leaders. By answering their questions, responding to their concerns and feedback regarding the annual history program
  • To provide information and assistance navigating stake and church resources that are available for annual history