If the media contains images of people that are not members
If the media you want to submit has adults or children that are Not known to you to be a member of the Church and can they be identified in the photo/video.
- I can help if you ask, to confirm if they are or not a member. if they are members you can submit your media without getting their signature on the permission to use photographs form.
- If the adult or child are not members of the Church, and can be identified in the photo/video.
- And …… You still want to use that photograph or video.
You will need to get the permission to use photographs signed by the person or persons who appear in your media.
If the media includes a child, the parent or legal guardian needs to sign the permission to use photographs form on his or her behalf.
Note: I’m not an attorney and this is not legal advice. I am reporting current Church policy only pertaining to photographs taken to be submitted with Annual Histories.Helpful links:
How to fill out the permissions to use photographs (the PUP form)
Download the permission to use photographs (the PUP form)form here
I am here to help if you have questions. contact me here