The Hand of the Lord
The purposes of the annual history are to:
- Bring members closer to Christ by helping them remember what God has done for His children and that He always fulfills His promises.
- Document continually the contemporary history of the Church.1
- Present leaders and missionaries with an opportunity to reflect on their efforts to help individuals and families qualify for exaltation.2
- “I believe by learning to recognize and record the Lord’s hand touching our lives and the lives of others. We will be blessed with an increased faith, and stronger resolve to endure to the end”… “while learning teaching and sharing the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”.dr
- It fulfills the Lords commandment* to “send forth the accounts of their stewardships” D&C 69:3,5
This section of the annual history is about Recording the Hand of the Lord in Our Lives and submitting. (“Sharing the light of Christ”)3
First, we need to be aware of the Lord’s work.
To do that we need the help of the Holy Ghost. Then make a record of what we know to be true, per our understanding, and submit it with the annual history.dr
From the 1st day the Church was organized, the “Lord commanded his Church to keep a record”.
“Behold, there shall be a record kept among you.” D&C 21:1
The Lord further stated:
“…that his history would be for the good of the church, and for the rising generations” (D&C 69:3, 8)
From the doctrine and covenants, we learn that our records should focus on more than just an administrative history.
“Continue in writing and making a history of all the important things . . . concerning my church . . . . “And also my servants who are abroad in the earth should send forth the accounts of their stewardships.” D&C 69:3,5, . . . “And also their manner of life, their faith, and works.” D&C 85:1-2
It is my belief that the Lord’s commandment pertaining to D&C 85: 1-2 & D&C 69:3,5 as it pertains to Annual History is for each individual member of the Church,dr “to Document continually the contemporary history of the Church”4 based on each person’s “knowledge”.5
Personal Annual History, should include stories about ourselves and people in “our circle of influence”dr and our faith and the works of the Lord. As we become more aware of the Lords hand in our lives and the lives of those in “our circle of influence” dr, we become a witness to what the book of Mormon describes “what great things the Lord hath done”6
We become a witness to, the Lords loving kindness and unlimited patience
We become a witness to, the Lords Grace and Tender Mercies
We become a witness to, people we know whose lives are being transformed
We become a witness to, people we know who were faced with adversities, with the Lord’s help, exercising their faith in the Lord they did overcome their afflictions
We become a witness to, the person in the mirror
We become a witness to, people we know who believed their situation hopeless, through the healing powers of the atonement, the Lord’s grace and tender mercies, did regained their hope……. exercising their faith in the Lord ….. Begin to thrive.
We become a witness to, the love our Savior Jesus Christ has for each of us…… by our name.
It is because we became a witness so that we can testify. Our testimony should be recorded and submitted!dr (with our annual history)
In addition to recording the hand of the Lord in our life and submitting that with our annual history.
We have the opportunity today to magnify our response to the Lord’s commandment by using the: ‘Internet’? Yes, the internet! When we are guided by the spirit, and looking for the Lords work, we will begin to see the workings of the spirit quite often. Therefore, can be shared continually throughout the year.
“With new technological tools, you can further the work of the Lord by joining the ongoing conversation about the Church” M. Russell Ballard7
Social media and perhaps your personal blog, sharing via . There are many opportunities to participate in community activities and (appropriate) online groups etc. In fact, the Church is very anxious for us to do just that They have made available tremendous resources that we can use to share our light of Christ. “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet”8
“There are new ways to invite others to ‘come and see.’ Let’s make sharing our faith online more a part of our daily life.,, Facebook, Twitter—all provide opportunities.”
— Elder Neil L. Andersen
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*Social media | blog | sharing via | Sharing the Gospel Online.
dr-This is my personal interpretation, thoughts, ideas, based on Scripture study including personal inspiration received specific to this calling, together with my current knowledge and understanding.
1-Annual histories presentation for priesthood leaders-dr
2-Instructions for Preparing the Stake, District, Ward, or Branch Annual History
3-Liahona, July 2008 M. Russell Ballard “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet,”
4-Instructions for Preparing the Stake, District, Ward, or Branch Annual History
5-D&C 69:7
6-title page of the Book of Mormon
7-Liahona, July 2008 M. Russell Ballard “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet,”
8-Liahona, July 2008 M. Russell Ballard “S Dag haring the Gospel Using the Internet,”