Annual History Information Center
Walnut Creek Stake Annual History Information Center
Welcome brothers, sisters, families, young men, young women, elders, high priest, guest, and our Stake, Ward and Branch leaderships
Although preparing and submitting an annual history as a stake unit is well-established in the church. Our Stake presidency realizes that some may not be aware that our stake is also participating.
By making a record of the Hand of the Lord in our lives. Our collective annual histories will become part of the recorded history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
There Shall Be a Record Kept
D&C: 21.1
D&C: 69.5
D&C: 85:1-2
By discerning the Lord’s hand in our lives, we document our goals, achievements, faith-building activities, events, our good and not so good lessons and experiences.
Participating, preparing, and submitting an annual history as individuals, families, priesthood, and organizational leaders, our record preserves the Lord’s work. By doing so, We will be blessed with deeper knowledge, understanding, and love for our heavenly father. Blessings from the Lord will continue to flow over us, strengthening our testimonies with a firm desire to love and serve one another, bringing us ever closer to Christ, with a renewed passion and energy to do the Lord’s work.
Daniel Rumsey
Elder Steven E Snow testifies to:
The Blessings of Church History.
It’s important to record the Lord’s hand in our lives.
Elder Steven E Snow
Writing Church history is not an academic or clerical endeavor; rather a spiritual work.
I am experiencing the benefits of being part of this great work. I Pray to know what I can do to serve the members of our stake and too fulfill my calling. With the spirit as my teacher, he teaches (tells) me to be quiet, listen, and look; at what my eyes cannot see. My family and I are abundantly blessed.
Daniel Rumsey
But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;
D&C 38.7
I created and developed this website; Walnut Creek Stake Annual History, ( to serve as your annual history resource center. I have gathered a lot of information from the church’s website, ( and have organized media and material to make it easier to access annual history resources.
With help from the Spirit, I will do my best to explain how the annual history program will work in our stake.
Brothers and Sisters, the stake presidency invites you to join with the Church to preserve and further the Lord’s Work, through active participation in annual history.
What is an Annual History?
The purposes of the annual history:
- Bring members closer to Christ
- Document continually the contemporary history of the Church
- Present leaders with an opportunity to reflect on their efforts
What to include in your wards annual history
Annual histories document the history of the Church throughout the world.
Elder Steven E Snow
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