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Published on Nov 6, 2015
The Meet the Mormons movie examines the very diverse lives of six devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Filmed across the globe, Meet the Mormons takes viewers on a journey into the day-to-day realities of individuals living in the U.S., Costa Rica, Nepal and beyond. From their individual passions to their daily struggles, each story paints a picture as rich and unique as the next while challenging the stereotypes that surround the Mormon faith.
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All Media you submit is required to be properly cataloged. Using the permissions to use photographs form, is where you can properly catalog each photograph or video you are submitting with your annual history.
For current Church policy regarding permission to use photographs, videos, or recordings “media” go to: permissions to use “media” by members of the church.
Download the permission to use photographs form here
If You have questions I am here to help. contact me here
For current Church policy regarding permission to use photographs, videos, or recordings “media” go to: permissions to use “media” by members of the church.
Helpful links:
How to fill out the permissions to use photographs (the PUP form)
Download the permission to use photographs (the PUP form)form here
I am here to help if you have questions. contact me here
check out (this page) where I explain step-by-step and simplify the process of filling out the permission to use photographs form. ( PUP form)
Helpful links:
For current Church policy regarding permission to use photographs, videos, or recordings “media” go to: permissions to use “media” by members of the church.
How to fill out the permissions to use photographs (the PUP form)
Download the permission to use photographs (the PUP form)form here
I am here to help if you have questions. contact me here
Each Ward and Branch (Annual and Oral Histories) are collected and given to the Bishop.
It is the Bishop who will approve & sign each record to be included in the Ward and Branch Annual Record. Once that is done the Annual History’s are given to the Stake Presidency.
Ultimately it is the Stake President who will approve & sign each Ward and Branch Annual Records. Then they will be combined to become the Walnut Creek Stake Annual Record. That record will then be Submitted to the Church in Salt Lake. Need more information? Just ask
From the day the Church was organized, the Lord commanded his Church to keep a record.
Why do you think this keeping a history is important to the Lord?
This scripture from D&C 69 directed the Church Historian to encourage Church leaders from all around the world to send in an account of their stewardship. One of the ways that is done is through the annual history program.
you can find the Help guides, Worksheet or form you’re looking for: here Guides & Worksheet click here? still need help? Just ask
If your new to digital signatures submitting online PDFs and so on, I recommend starting here for more information and step-by-step instructions. If on the other hand you had some experience or possibly done it once or twice this may be all the refresher you need.
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. It’s a free download from Adobe website: Using Adobe Reader you can sign the PDF worksheets, help guides and forms, used here. Acrobat reader will also embed your signature in the document.
1st: you will not be able to fill out or sign a PDF until you download and save it on your computer.
So if you haven’t done so already, go ahead and download the Annual History help guides, or worksheet you want to use. Tip: (I recommend creating a new folder on your desktop you can call it whatever you want, I call mine 2016 annual history so I can keep everything together) now that it’s on your computer go to the location you saved it and open it in acrobat reader DC. for more information check out, How to Digitally Sign a PDF
still need help? Just ask
1- If you want to be able to fill out your Worksheet using your iPhone/iPad. after downloading you need to select “edit in” and then tap on the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app. When you’re done , verify your Digital signature and submit your Worksheet. If it is not already installed on your, iPhone/iPad you can get it Free from the app store.For more information how to use acrobat reader mobile on your devices here
2- From your PC ; click on the link download the form on your hard drive or desktop. Once opened you can fill it out using your keyboard and when you’re done verify your Digital signature and submit your Worksheet. You will need the free Adobe reader if you don’t already have it you can download it free from Adobe here
As Priesthood and Auxiliary leaders your contribution to the Stake annual history is important to The Lords work.
“The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands. All of us have a contribution to make to this miracle.”
Elder Neil L. Andersen
President Monson and “Music and the Spoken Word” both used this scripture:
“Ponder your path.” Proverbs
“Use the time to reflect as an opportunity to set aside the un-important. This is a spiritual and mental exercise that gives renewed focus and purpose.”
As you reflect on your ministry, what principles will you give renewed focus? Why?
Priesthood and Auxiliary leaders
I talked about the Oral History program in by blog. I also included a video from the Church you can see by following this link here. Also see: Oral History Pre-Interview Questionnaire
If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in contact with me. I will answer your questions.